Everyone who has a computer should have an idea of what characteristics it possesses an “iron friend.” After all, there are those who do not even know the name of your CPU! Specifically for them (and not only) has developed a program CPU-Z, that lets you know the full information about the technical capabilities of your computer. CPU-Z is running Microsoft Windows operating system is all versions, from Windows 95 and ending with the latest Windows 7.
With this program you can learn about the parameters of the CPU: name, architecture, clock speed, and more. Get information about your motherboard, namely who is a manufacturer, which version of BIOS, model name, chipset, etc. Do not go unnoticed information about RAM and video card.
In addition CPU-Z allows you to create detailed reports in text format and in format html. It is possible to carry out the so-called validation: to spread information about the system to a special website CPU-Z Validator, in which the database resides on the clock frequencies of components and other information.
Thus, due to CPU-Z, you’ll be knowledgeable about the technical characteristics of the computer that are running. And, importantly, CPU-Z program is absolutely free!