Free TOEFL Practice Test Download


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Free TOEFL Practice Test is a software designed for those who wish to practice their English skills with simulated TOEFL test itself, something basic as required by many schools, universities and companies that accept foreign students or professionals. If this is your goal, make the TOEFL or IELTS to go abroad, it may be a good start practicing before with this simple software.

The test consists of three main stages: listening (when you hear dialogues and have to understand what people said), structuring (‘s interpretation, long texts are presented and you should mark true or false options) and grammar ( you must enter words and phrases with the correct verb tense in sentences). You have a period of 60 minutes that are timed to automatically perform all tasks Free TOEFL Practice Test.

The test consists of a total of 55 questions and the end of it all matters that you hit and missed, as well as a complete template are displayed. Of course the real TOEFL tests you will also be interviewed and that does not happen here, so it’s important to practice the dialogue with somebody else or you can commit in this respect.


Free TOEFL Practice Test is a great software for those who want to practice English before making important proficiency tests such as TOEFL. It is easy enough to be used as an interface with fewer icons and pretty straightforward – just listen to the dialogues, reading texts and mark the correct alternative.

The test is unique, ie, if you try to do it again the same questions will be displayed repeatedly. Nevertheless, the 55 questions are quite consistent and guarantee a good range of vocabulary, expression and interpretation. The maximum time of 60 minutes is also a positive factor, as it requires people to answer questions quickly.

The three categories of tests are complete and do well together, a good simulation, but the test can not be considered identical to the real TOEFL, since some items are missing (obviously you can not practice your pronunciation). However, if you want to prepare for the exam and need some more testing, this can be a good simulated momentary solution. Tastes Good!
Free TOEFL Practice Test Download

Free TOEFL Practice Test Download

Savita Sathe
Savita Sathe
Savita Sathe is an experienced writer and editor with over 10+ years of professional experience creating engaging content across industries. Whether it's blogs, whitepapers, website copy, emails, social media posts, or more. She develops effective content that helps brands connect with their audiences and achieve business goals.

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