For some time now, users have begun to use the different Cloud services offered to store their files, mainly to make backup copies of them, since this type of platform not only makes it possible for us to access our files from any computer and anywhere on the Internet, it also represents an excellent option to keep all that information safe.
The truth is that in services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and others we can also take full advantage of the functionality they offer in terms of what file synchronization is, but this also represents a danger, since changes are also synchronized and the eliminations we make.
However, most of the cloud storage services offer us options to be able to recover those deleted files through the Internet, and even in some cases where we have edited files, some services allow us to recover the previous versions, that is, undo changes to files.
However, the truth is that this type of procedure can be done with a time limit since Cloud Computing services only keep these old files for a certain period of time.
In services such as Dropbox or Google Drive, each time we save files the system makes a master copy of these files, which is stored on the servers of the Cloud service, and each time we delete or modify the content of these files, the system is responsible for synchronizing these changes to the master copy on the server.
For this reason, if we accidentally delete a file, the Cloud service system will instantly delete that file, which will also be reflected in each of the computers with which we access our account of the Cloud service.
Also, if our computer becomes infected with some malware that interferes with the files stored on it, the new versions of the files that have been manipulated by the malware will be synchronized with their copies in the Cloud.
Although backing up our files in the Cloud helps us to protect those files if our hardware is damaged or stolen, the truth is that if there is some change in the file, apparently nothing can be done about it.
Below is clearly explained How to avoid the loss of files stored in the Cloud?
Time Limit On Deleted Files
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The first thing we should know is that when we delete a file that is in our Cloud storage service account, that is to say, that through our computer we send that file to the recycle bin and then empty it, we have time to retrieve it from the Cloud.
In this sense, in the case of free Dropbox accounts, the service maintains the deleted files for 30 days, after which they are permanently deleted. As for Dropbox payment accounts, the platform maintains files for up to a year.
The case of Google Drive is different since according to what it expresses in its policies, it never automatically deleted the files from the trash, which may result in inconveniences since at every certain period of time-bin must be emptied manually to avoid consuming all the space provided by the service.
As far as OneDrive is concerned it is similar to what happens with Dropbox, in that it stores the deleted files until even a year after they have been deleted. However, if the recycle bin is full, the system will automatically start deleting the oldest files after three days.
Time Limit On Modified Files
As we already mentioned, when we make edits or changes to our files, Cloud storage services keep an old version of those files for a time. To access these old versions, the procedure is generally very simple, generally by clicking with the left mouse button on the file in question, through the drop-down menu.
This function also varies depending on the Cloud service we use, for example in the case of Dropbox, the service maintains the previous versions of the files for 30 days, and in the case of paid accounts, the period is a little longer.
For its part, Google Drive in all its accounts also maintains the old versions of the files for a month, while in the case of OneDrive it only offers this functionality for Office documents.
What Is The Best Option Then?
We could say that the best thing we can do with our files is to keep a backup synchronized with some service in the Cloud, but also to perform another extra backup locally, that is, using some external hard drive, USB stick, memory card, etc.
This is undoubtedly one of the best solutions to ensure that we will always have a backup copy of important files, which perhaps by accident we may end up deleting or modifying, sometimes the cloud service makes some changes to the files.
The best way to back up files in Windows is through a really simple procedure, which consists of connecting an external hard drive, and then run the backup tool in the operating system.
In the case of Windows 7, it is done through the tool called Windows Backup, while in Windows 8 and 10 it is done through the file history. Configuring actions correctly, we’ll make while you are synchronizing files with our cloud service, at the same time the tool backup of Windows will back up those files, which then will be stored on the external drive.