Connection Keeper is an extremely useful program for those who have dial-up internet, for through him she did not fall because of its ability to simulate band activity. Its interface is well organized, however, for being English use it becomes a challenge for the novice user. Nonetheless, your choices are simple to understand and hang up – even when you can’t, the conventional doesn’t drop the bond, and that is enough.
Anyone using your computer with internet connection for more than four years knows all too well the reality of some Brazilians who recently bought the first PC: a dialup internet. If you are ever privileged to have owned a broadband, know that the dial is narrowband, with connection speeds close to 56 Kbps (1 MB is 18 times that)!
Using a dial-up remains the burden of many people, because the services with higher values are really expensive in certain regions – particularly in inner cities. Because of this, a dial serves to spend less in the account, because during the weekends spent only one pulse per connection.
However, suppose that your connection is dropping and you often spend more time offline than online. This therefore makes you spend a new pulse every need to reconnect! Another situation where the connection drops is when she spends too much time inactive, ie, several minutes without loading any page.
To avoid dropping the internet when you need to stay away from the computer for a long time, Connection Keeper helps you not to lose your connection: he is able to simulate access to predefined pages, that is, without even being close to the PC, your connection remains standing without problems!