You know that Youtube video, movie, photo or home video that you love? With Movie to Animated GIF Converter , you can turn a video or an image in an animated GIF!
How to Make an Animated GIF
The operation is very simple. With a few taps and a little creativity you can make a fun animations with pictures of your friends, favorite characters or any video you want.
After the inslatar Movie to Animated GIF Converter , open the program. Click File> Open to open an Archiving in MPEG, AVI or WMV format. Position the track to be transformed using the buttons on the top bar. Set the start and end points on the track side buttons. Ready! Just now export content for animated GIF creation and you get your hands on.
Do not forget to share your creations with your friends! Download now Movie to Animated GIF Converter !
Download Movie to Animated GIF Converter