Shutdown8 is a very simple program which is designed to help you access the power options in an easier way computer.
In general, one can say that the goal of the program is to get you to use these functions in a few clicks and from the same place.
So who uses Windows 8, for example, no longer need access options computer through Charm Bar In addition to the earlier versions of the system, the program stops most visible functions such as “Hibernate”, which usually not be available in the Start Menu shortcuts.
Disconnect the exact moment
Even if you leave your current computer or simply connected for several hours, there will come a time when you certainly will choose to let the machine rest. So, if you want an alternative to the traditional model of Windows to accomplish the task, you can count on Shutdown8 as another option for accessing the shutdown options.
The program provides the installation, as well as being portable and can be used directly from a USB stick. He does not have an interface itself, but only the views of the functionality offered from a double-click on the application executed. Thus, while not bringing a vital role for the computer, it certainly facilitate their routine.
Using the application
The program works directly from the downloaded file, simply double click to run it. That done, the options shall be displayed on the screen as if they were some sort of context menu. Using it is quite simple, as you just simply click the option you want to accomplish, since all have the name written on the screen.
There are options to turn off, log off the current account, restart, hibernate and sleep (also called suspend mode). By using any of the buttons, the process starts immediately. In addition, there is also a timer function, so that the disconnection is carried out in 10 or 30 minutes and an hour or two.
The program is unfortunately not minimized to the System Tray, but you can keep it on the desktop in Windows 8 home screen or in the quick launch of Windows 7 as a way to let it always available.
Shutdown8 is a very simple program that does not bring a vital function to Windows, but only provides easier access to existing operating system options. The idea of ​​the application is to group the functions most used energy from an icon, something that might be more interesting for those using Windows 8.
Moreover, it also provides a timer for the system to shut down automatically in the selected period by the operator. The menu is available directly in the program and in a very simple and straightforward: button functions listed appear on the screen and you only need one click to activate them.
However, it displays pretty much the same that you can access from the Start Menu or by Charm Bar, with the exception of alternative “Hibernate” and “Log off”, that does not appear in the shutdown options in the new version of the system. The options do not present images and are represented only by the English text.
However, as they are somewhat widely known, hardly anyone will find problems to understand the activity performed by each of the alternatives. Unfortunately the application can not be minimized to the System Tray, something that would be interesting to facilitate access to it.
Still, just create secure it in place of your preference to this problem is circumvented. The program worked properly and essentially serves to save clicks to choose one of the power of the Microsoft operating system options, keeping them together at the same place, besides offering a timer for automatic shutdown in case.