You know the folder where you keep all personal and confidential files? Well now you can let her safe from unwanted glances with DTEK Folder Lock, a tool that blocks access her content through a custom password.
Protecting your files
The program has a single window, in which you select the “Browse” option between the desired folder available on your computer. With the selection made, the second field will tell if the choice is already locked by a password (“Locked”) or if it is free access (“Unlocked”).
To enter a password is necessary to dial the “Password Protect” field and enter the code twice will lock access to files. This done, the last option (“Lock”) blocks folder, making it impossible for anyone on your computer can enter and view the files.
The folder will open it again if you select the program and enter the same password used to lock access. If all goes well, the very DTEK Folder Lock will open for you the folder showing the files in it.
DTEK Folder Lock is great for preventing people from accessing the files you would like to leave away from the eyes of others. With the simple proposal to lock the folders on your computer using passwords, the program brings a unique and small window to make the locks safely, avoiding getting lost through large or extensive menus.
The program efficiency is further proved when the system can not open a locked folder – either by simple navigation, for access by explorers operating system itself or through terminal windows.
The program is entirely in English, which may make a little if you are not familiar with the English language. The tool lacks many terms, and even then the translation would facilitate those interested in a bit more secure virtual security to your files and folders.