Microsoft Office 2010 Free Download For Windows XP, 7, 8


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Hardly an individual who continues to be handling a computer and doesn’t know Microsoft office, the most popular suite of programs for offices that enables us to edit text, excel spreadsheets, presentations as well as manage contacts and emails.

The Microsoft Office 2010 has been officially launched and brings new versions of already highly applications Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, Excel and Outlook. The tools primarily bring new features to give a better appearance to documents created and improve user productivity.


Office applications have gained the ability to easily apply visual effects to images, styling videos in presentations and capture the computer screen by applying it directly in the application package. Thus, we avoid resorting to third-party applications. Famed menu Ribbon , generating controversy in the transition between 2003 and 2007, has remained virtually unchanged and can now also be used in Microsoft Outlook. With the look maintained, has avoided the pitfalls that we would have to relearn how to use the application.


Kept the look of the 2007, made changes only to improve your viewing functionality;
Your apps let you apply effects to images without using a specific editor;
It captures screens from your tools, automatically incorporating the image obtained the document content;
Excel worksheets now allow embed sparklines for each individual cell, expanding the possibilities of analysis;
It is able to save files to servers via the Internet, linking them to Windows Live accounts;
Initializes applications with superior speed to 2007 versions.

Requires registration and insertion of serial numbers to even start the test period;
Does not provide convenient shortcuts to load documents stored online in Windows Live account;
The new features even after applied to documents, can not be availed in previous versions of Office, demanding the return of the tools;
Does not come with native option to apply the classic toolbars, hindering the migration of users still using version 2003 or earlier.
Migrate or not?

For the home user, the big reason for a possible migration would be the ease of creating content look better or make spreadsheets with the new Sparklines feature in Excel. These qualities benefit mainly those who share your documents. companies, especially when they have the SharePoint server environment, tend to also benefit from the resources that facilitate the sharing of documents and the interaction of its employees. Only one must keep in mind that part of the content is not displayed by earlier versions.


The 2010 version of Microsoft Office brought important advances to facilitate the daily lives of its users when generating visual content such as presentations with videos and pictures. Even with the news, the package does not innovated much as its previous version, so hitting the note 8.5 .

Check the content of the text at the top of the screen, subjects who report in detail the new package and tips on how to perform the installation and purchase. Based on this information and test you can check if the news really justify the migration.

Microsoft Office 2010 Free Download For Windows XP, 7, 8

Microsoft Office 2010 Download

Savita Sathe
Savita Sathe
Savita Sathe is an experienced writer and editor with over 10+ years of professional experience creating engaging content across industries. Whether it's blogs, whitepapers, website copy, emails, social media posts, or more. She develops effective content that helps brands connect with their audiences and achieve business goals.

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