RandPass is an application for you to create strong passwords containing random data to be used in any type of registration in which they are needed characters. With it, you will not need to waste time thinking about a combination that is safe – you only need to indicate how many characters you want on it.
Once installed, it works from a single screen and the application does not require any registration or creating a master password to access it. However, it is worth reinforcing that he is not responsible for storage of generated combinations, serving only for the purpose of providing the sequences.
Creating passwords
The world has become globalized and entered the digital age. With so many activities that were previously performed in physical places now began to have an online version. Thus, we need to create increasingly entries, no matter if you need to use an email service, banks or want to make a purchase in shops sites: to access any of these facilities is always necessary to create a new login and enter a password.
The problem is that you can not use the same code for all and, likewise, is not always easy to think of a new combination quickly. Therefore, an application such as RandPass certainly is a great helper in these cases, while riding in combinations and with the desired amount of characters.
Additionally, you can choose specific features that are requested by the department in which you are registering the password, as special characters and capital letters.
Generating passwords
The application operates from a single window and she makes a visual presentation of the items offered for your password. Basically, to start generating passwords, you need to set the desired parameters, the first being the size of the combination. In addition, you should also indicate how many sequences must be assembled.
Then you can choose to insert lowercase, uppercase, digits, letters, numbers doubling or even not have similar characters. There, also, how to use custom shapes and characters in their combination. When everything is the way you want, just click “Generate Passwords”.
That done, the results are displayed on the screen. Through the “Actions” menu you can check whether or repeated passwords were generated to convert combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters and two (randomly).
RandPass is an application for you to create random passwords for any record where they are needed. The program itself is very simple, offering only a screen with all the functions arranged in a visual way to facilitate their use. The app comes ready to use and needs no tuning or manual configuration.
At the interface, basically, the only work you will have is choosing the parameters for the elements that should make up the password you need to create. This is done by checking only the options you want, with the exception of personalized alternatives, which you must manually set the values.
Moreover, the number of characters in each combination and the number of passwords to be generated only require that you enter values in the available fields on the screen. A positive aspect of the program is that it covers most of the requirements of the services when creating a sequence, it supports numbers, special characters, and upper and lowercase letters.
Likewise, with respect to size, you can fit inside what you need, after all, it is you who defines the number of characters of the model. In addition, you create a password with just one click and get the answer immediately upon request. If you want a good app to generate passwords, will surely like the RandPass.