Who uses keyboards and like to record their productions to listen to later on your PC, you know how complicated it is to transfer these files to your computer, listen to them better or share with friends on the Internet.
The audio extension for keyboards is the SFF. Sty specific to the hearing instrument and can not be changed to any other popular extension such as mp3 for example. The creation of CASM Editor came to give more comfort to musicians and beginners on the instrument you want to hear the songs on the keyboard generated on computers.
The CASM Editor allows you to change the sounds created on keyboard Yamaha SFF and create files with midi length , a great otion for those using recording programs like acresentar new sounds, effects and voice their productions.
CASM Editor is the newest version of Creative Style Maker , software to play files. sty on PC. Besides playing the files on computdor, it also allows you to edit them and make any corrections or personalization of music.
Record from the keyboard opened more options for those who do not want to worry about taking extra recorders to record their productions. Just download the CASM Editor and listen all over again, with a much better quality on the computer, you can edit the sound itself.
Download PSR Style CASM Editor